Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Purge

March 17th is a celebration that whether or not you are Irish, most of us participate. I don't know how you like to pay tribute to St. Patrick, but for most it involves drinking a lot of green beer and gorging yourselves with corned beef and cabbage. I concur, that's what I'll be doing tonight.
Is there a fishing correlation to St. Pat's? St. Patrick is patron of fishermen in the Loire, where a legend associates him with a blackthorn bush. The saint is said to have slept beneath it, and when he awoke the next day, Christmas, the bush flowered, and was said to have continued to do so every Christmas until its destruction during the First World War. This accoriding to Fox News...you be the judge.
For the time being, Scumliner and I have finished the Crock Pot full of CB and cabbage, toasted the Irish with cold Budweiser's, and purged Headhunters of all snakes.
Happy day to all you lads and lasses, enjoy the evening and bow down, or raise a toast to St. Pat, the patron of fishing.

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