Sunday, March 15, 2009

Rain and Snow Dances

Woke this morning to an outstanding spring day. Without being cliche, which is difficult for me, I adore spring. It's Mother Nature preparing for rebirth. Moving away from winter hibernation towards a warmer emergence. Just like insects, humans like sun penetration. It seems to pass right through our epidermal layers diving towards our inner core. Spring encourages smiles, renewed energies, the desire to wash your driftboat, fantasies of new girlfriends, thoughts of hot summer afternoons reflecting on the fishing day's successes/sorrows, and realistic questions of watershed levels.

The Missouri drainage is near 100% water equivalents. Is that enough? Not really. As you remember last year, and the high water bringing us the flush of 2008... will we see adequate water this year? Boy I hope so. If we can string two years of above average flows we will see a return of better dry fly fishing commensurate with phenomenal hatches. If we have a below average year will it hurt our chances? No, not really.

Here is my proposal to you folks. Let's promote global cooling. How about we exercise a communal Snow Dance. If you don't know how to perform a Snow Dance, try a Rain Dance.

Are there rule and regulations governing said dances. No. It is WFO. My suggestion is to begin this process by shotgunning a couple Budweiser's. It always helps me. Then break into your free-form dance. Is there a wrong way to dance? Yes, but the snow gods don't seem to differentiate between your Champagne riddled jives at your brother-in-laws wedding and your simple muses in your boxers hidden in the safe confines of your living room. Conduct these dances daily until our snow pack reaches 120%.

Task for today. Dance, jig, flail, jive, or stumble around with your head slightly tilted toward the skies and plead with Mother Nature to grace us with rain or snow. Task for tomorrow, same.

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