Monday, March 30, 2009

Old Snowy River

Breathtaking morning in Craig...absolutely silent. It is truly nice in Montana when not a soul is creeping around. Yes, I love people, but the introvert in me does not mind droves of of folks around, reminiscent of summer.

The Missouri needs a rest from the fisherman. A chance for it to breathe and sequester the energy it must need to provide incredible fishing during the spring, summer, and fall.

The Golden Eyes are almost gone. Geese are returning from their winter south of here, and the Rainbows are looking for mates (so are starving fishing guides) The Browns are being caught and look really healthy. Fat and colorful!

We will be scraping the ice and snow from our drift boats and spending less time in the shop and more time on the river. Bring it on! Water temps are still relatively low for this time of year, near 38F, and the BWO's have not shown. It will happen...and then we can throw some dries and shake off the rust from our casting arms.

Scumliner, Capt. Carp, Squeeky Oar Lock, and the Brain are busy redesigning the interior of the store, stocking shelves with cool new Simms gear, and stuffing flies in our additional fly bins built by TroutNV.

Official opening of Headhunters is this coming Friday...Hooray, we are excited. Feel free to stop by and clink cold Budweiser's with us. Till then...

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