"The definition of a fool is someone who exhibits the same behaviors over and over, and expects different outcomes every time." Albert Einstein
I have seen this in my boat too many times. Twice is too many times. I have also fallen into this category, I just don't do it anymore...at least in fishing. I so often see folks cast at a fish with the identical cast that did not work last time. If it did not work, why waste your time and replicate that shitty presentation? If it don't work, change it.
The cast and the drift are the two common failure points, so we work on them first. Fishermen too often believe it is the fly. Fish will eat nearly any fly in the right ballpark, it is usually the drift or the fish has not seen the fly. Trout have great eyesight, but a fly floating two feet away, or even two inches away is generally too far. I like the fly to be within a centimeter. No BS. Then he will see it. Present it properly, drift well, and if the fish does not eat it after several good drifts, then we will change the fly.
Let's reserve the foolish behaviors for the bar and bedroom, and fish smart. Don't be that foolish guy, and remember the Einstien quote. It speaks truth.
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