Saturday, November 28, 2009

Save the Permit

Local outfitter and former Florida Keys guide/Permit guru Capt. Michael Guerin has been keeping us up to speed on the issue of Permit management by the State of Florida. Most of our staff and many of our customers spend time on the Keys every year, often chasing these spectacular fish. Although it's not an issue close to most Montana anglers, the picture attached to this morning's email really sent me off, however...

Capt. Guerin says it best:

I urge all of you to take a moment a read this brief summary of what is currently happening in the State of Florida in regard to permit. It is a travesty to say the least. It would behoove all of us, whether you have caught a permit or just dream of it, to take a few minutes and write a note of support favoring giving permit "gamefish" status in Florida.
Thank You,

Michael Guerin

I didn't post the rather lengthy PDF summary, but the state of Florida refuses to classify Permit as gamefish. Spear fishermen are murdering them on the wrecks during the spawn, and they are sold as bycatch by commercial fishermen as well. If you would like to learn more, write a letter or help in any way, you can contact Jon Ain at <>, he leading the charge.


keysguide said...
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keysguide said...
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keysguide said...

Yes, it is true...
I work as a flats guide here in the lower keys..
They actually do spear permit on the reefs and wrecks. Last week a young kid , who is a very good off shore angler showed me a photo on his cell phone of a 48lb. permit he shot free diving.. Several of friends who dive said you can practically touch permit swimming on the reefs...

I have never done it.. But off shore charter Captains tell me it is extremely easy to catch permit off wrecks.. One Capt. told me he uses cut squid for bait.

It mentions in the Pdf document that there was opposition to classifying permit as game fish by off shore charter Capt. Their objection was there was not enough grouper or snapper left to harvest.. Florida has already put a closed season on grouper..

You can fish out an ocean!
We have done it!

keysguide said...

What is Florida thinking??
Harvest the spawners!

It is the same mentality that almost wiped out the redfish..

also the bull trout.. twenty years ago I spoke with an old timer on the N Fork of the Flat head... He told me back in the day,, they filled the back of a pick up with spawning bull trout..

I asked him what he did with a pick up full of bull trout.. His reply was "we threw them in the field.. they were not good for any thing.." As I type this I truly regret not shutting off his air..