Here is Paul Feinberg with one of his Dry Fly Fish on a high and bright Montana Missouri River afternoon.
The dry fly game is still on. The high sun never helps, but there still are fish rising to the BWO.
The streamer bite was not all that hot yesterday, meaning pretty shitty, meaning no chases, touches, looks, sniffs, etc...
Nymphing not too bad, not on fire...wait for the sippers and be happy.
Capt. Carp Dead Song of the Day: Any bootleg on DAT.
Guide of the Week: Any guide who can get a paycheck this time of year.
Best Dip for Wheat Thins: Salmon Cream Cheese
Fly of the Week: Nymen's Cripple sz 18
Capt. Carp: Bought a new D90...looking forward to his cool shots in the future.
Scumliner: Getting on a Jet Airplane and Redfishing for the week with Lt. Dan.
FNG & THE BOSS: Off to greener pastures for the winter...both will be back in 2010
B & E Ben: Wrecking the Steelie's with his two-hander
SOL: Depressed and not smoking for 22 days, he loves to chain smoke Camel's
Hang in there dude, 22 days is awesome, that makes me happy.
Thanks, day 24 today, staring at the computer
staring at the computer.. welcome to my world dude! Look at it this way, at least you're getting "paid".
Yes indeedy, the big dollars, yep, lots of 'em
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