B & E Ben tying Skykomish Sunrise @ Izaak's | 11/7/09
Although, it does give seasonal businesses time to mend and heal. Having operations that are open every day takes its toll on those who are involved. There are no weekends off, every day is a weekend. So, that aspect of this time of year is enjoyable. Sleeping in, reading the paper, catching up with those friends you have in town who you may not have talked to in 6 months...you know, the normal life kind of stuff. In Craig, you run hard for 210 days in a row.
Thursday night this year will be Fly Tying Night @ Izaak's. A great opportunity for the Craig local set to gather, tie, eat, drink, and kibitz. Last night was a free for all, with no theme set. Ben tied Steelhead flies, John tied Redfish Flies, Mark & Danielle tied Grizzly Hackle Peacock's, and the Kuhnert's tied Zebra Midges. Heckert made us a delightful plate of Beef Straganoff and Melanie a wonderful Choco Chip soft baked slice of heaven with a dollop of ice cream on top.
All locals are invited to this weekly event, or if you happen to be lost and in Craig on Thursdays and don't have anything better to do, stop in and whip one up! I believe there will be some potluck involved as the cold season progresses.
Scumliner Productions will be putting up fly tying videos of our favorite Missouri River Flies for those of you who tie at home and wish to prepare for your 2010 trip. I am excited about this, as we all can learn more about tying. Casting and tying alike, there is always more!
As the off season Blog moves along, SOL, and hopefully other Authors too, will be writing more instructional and informational style entries. If you would like to see us address any type of situation or discuss any fly fishing topic, or would like to pen an article for the Blog...please let us know.
We are open at the store this weekend for shuttles and a place to hide out of the wind. Saturday and Sunday promise to be very good with the wind going away and the clouds coming in. Get on out here to catch the last hoorah of Baetis before the Holiday Weekend coming.
MMmmm...Turkey...the most over-rated meal of the year.
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