We @ Headhunters believe everybody should catch more fish and are here with bells on daily enjoying the Headhunters Life...
As a side note: The hopper fishing has been outstanding if you are willing to stick with it. We had a slow down of two days which really freaked us out. But, we are back. This river will fool you in the fact that it fishes so well 90% of the time, and then it slows for a short period, meaning 2.3 hours...and we, as guides freak out. Another thing that may tweak out your guide is Izaak's/ Joe's running out of Bombay Sapphire, Crown Royal, and Ketel One all in the same evening. Don't even talk to me if that happens. If they ran out of Budweiser we would alert the Governor.
Q: What's worse than a hungover guide in the morning? A: A sober one.
Q: Is Craig always this friendly? A: It sure is! Now saddle up to the bar my friend and buy me
Headhunting for many has become a way of life for many of us on the Missouri and we encourage you to be a part of it. We don't want you to move here...just visit several times a year.
I really tried to write something abrasive tonight, but truly cannot conjure up enough demons to rip on anybody tonight...so this is the drivel that dribbles from my finger tips. Lovey Dovey Shit. I'm a touch disappointed in myself. It'll come...I just do not know when.
Capt. Carp: Should grow a backbone...he may...probably not.
FNG: Invincible, indestructible, invisible...just show up to work on time and I'll be happy.
The Boss: Is on vacation on the Eastern Seaboard, please do not get arrested. My CC is maxed out if the Bail Bondsman calls.
B & E Ben: Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names...he is not part of the shit show that sometimes occurs in Craig, MT.
Scumliner: Is smiling every moment. He likes it that way.
SOL: Still trying to rid himself of the mind numbing DEMONS.
J the B: Holding it all together amidst the mayhem and madness.
"Oh, the gallant fisher's life, It is the best of any 'Tis full of pleasure, void of strife, And 'tis beloved by many."
John Chalkhill, "Pistacor's Song"
John Chalkhill, "Pistacor's Song"
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