This year, for some reason, I felt like doing something special for her. Why? I don't know. Maybe because she's a great Mom. Maybe because she's a great wife. Maybe because Headhunters could have been a disaster instead of a huge success without her. Or, maybe it's just because she deserves it...
Those who know Julie know that she used to fish almost daily. As we grow older and share more responsibilities, we just don't seem to find the time to go as much as we should. With the arrival of our daughter Adair 4 years ago, we almost never find the time to get out on the water by ourselves, and I know that Julies misses it.
For her birthday, I decided to do something special. I hired my friend Jason Newmack to take us up to the "Land of the Giants" (LOG). For those who don't know, the LOG is a short section of the Missouri that holds some enormous fish. Access is by jet boat. Though it's very close to us, we rarely get up there.
Julie immediately nymphed up some monster Whitefish, a beautiful 20" Brown, and a bunch of 20-21" Rainbows. After Jason grilled up some burgers for lunch, and a rowdy T-Storm passed through, we switched to streamers and she caught several more big Rainbows and a Walleye. That's right, the Birthday girl caught the LOG Slam (Rainbow, Brown, Whitey, Walleye).
We then ran into a 25" Brown sipping PMD's. Julie put a lot of good cast over him and finally got him to eat. Unfortunately, he caught us all off guard with a downstream eat and Julie only pricked him. No matter, as we were leaving, yours truly saw him stick his head up 30 feet downstream and stuck him on a streamer.
When the day ended, we all headed back to Rockey Top (our home) where Julie was surprised to find many of our friends from the area waiting for her. Ben cooked the meat (excellent), Kelsey made some fantastic sides, Jesse handled the cake, and Jen handled the kids.

Happy Birthday Julie. The next one sucks (40!)...
ps...I'll be handling the Blog while SOL is on vacation for a couple of days.
Happy Birthday Julie!! Sorry we couldn't be there, but we'll catch up on the next trip up. Brian and Bev
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