Friday, August 7, 2009

Great Clients make the World Go Round!

Mike Ruppert fishes with SOL a lot. Twice a month is about all he can for SOL, his skin is damn tough. In all honesty, Mike is a great client.

As a guide matures, he becomes mentally stronger, physically weaker...and as for the maturing deal, the jury is still out. Regular guests in the boat is what every guide strives for, and Mike is part of the enjoyment for SOL.

Bert and Arnie have also fished with me going on 10 years...I have nothing but love for these two as well. The list is long, and getting longer with favorite people in the boat. All guides have their does take quite some time to acquire long term clients...they too have a selection many of them say, "It takes some time to train a guide to how you like them!" It is so true. It may take longer to train your guide than it does for the guide to train the guest. It is reciprocal love along with give and take.

Many a fisherman has said that the longer you fish with anybody...whether it be with your fishing partner including a guide, or you son, daughter, Uncle, or your neighbor...the longer you fish with said individual the less it has to do with catching, the more it becomes about fellowship and friendship.

It truly is what fishing really is all about...catching a few smelly Rainbows and chewing the fat.

"Fishing with an old man in bib overalls and a can of worms is a great day."
Rick Myers

Capt. Carp Dead Song of the Day: Not fade away

Fly Rod Wisdom of the Day: It's not what you cast, it's how you cast

Wise Old Fisherman once said: "Placement and Presentation over Fly Pattern wins everyday"

Dry Fly Pattern of the Week: Wilcox's A/C Caddis

Nymph Pattern of the Week: Harrop's Soft Hackle

Hopper Pattern of the Week: Burke's Spent Hopper

Beer Flavor of the Decade: Budweiser

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