The deal about fish length and size...I call bullshit if you tell me you caught a handful of fish over 20"...especially if you are in the bar. Not that I don't believe you, but if you are throwing out numbers like that, I expect them to be taped.
Jim and Ed are Headhunters and they speak truth. They have steelheaded around the world, caught boney's and list continues. They do not lie.
So go out and get 'em, but don't lie to me.
You bullshit your friends, I'll bullshit my friends, let's not bullshit each other.
Capt. Carp's Dead Song of the Day: One More Saturday Night
Fly of the Day: CDC Tent Wing Caddis
Dumb-Ass Guide Move of the Day: Lose your anchor...if you don't take your foot of the anchor release, it keeps on going, going, going...Yes, it's me, SOL, once again not getting any smarter. Who woulda thunk!
Hey raisler,
i'm enjoying your blog. hope your year is going well. Good buddy Scott and I plan trip to upper columbia in BC on July 12th for excellent dry fly fishing. If BC doesn't look good, how do you think the Mo will be on July 12th? Will we be miserable with large crowds and difficult fish? We are planning a multi day/night trip, so I know how to avoid some of the crowds. I also know that the lower river is less crowded. I was thinking with high water this late that the fish might not be that difficult on July 12th. When you have time, drop me a line. I know you are busy. My email is Jwatson@seattleacademy.org.
Take care,
I witnessed Capt. Carp tape it... 22.5 inches honest!
Next anchor, tie a big ol' knot at the end of your anchor-line. Keeps it from feeding line past your backing...(been there).
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