This is so true in the flyfishing game. Guides are a case in point. They cannot do things in moderation. Most folks are comfortable fishing weekends and holidays, and coming on a destination trip once a year. Guides do not possess this trait. They have to fish everyday and pattern their life around the everyday pursuit of the trout fishing dream. LTD BABY. Living the dream.
Guides do have fun...just look at the smiles at 11pm at Izaak's next door to the shop. Laughing, giggling like little school boys. The Peter Pan Syndrome. They never grow up...which allows them to enjoy every minute of everyday. That is a statement that not many cubicle workers can agree with. And if you can, I bet you are the life of the office Christmas party. Although you may be the individual caught photocopying pics of your arse.
Back to the excess idea. I am the sort of fellow that likes to get the net wet. That equates to beating 'em up on a daily basis. If I am nymph guiding I lose a little sleep over not putting 30+ in the boat. I don't lose much sleep, but it does take me an additional 30 sec. to slip into blissful slumber. That delay is consumed with techniques to improve myself and my clients. Could I teach it in another way, address their strong points and build upon them, yell more? The latter is a thing of the past. The new breed of guides do not yell...they may get a little excited and speak in tongues...especially after the excess portion of the day which generally includes a large portion of the blue bottle...known in these parts as Bombay Sapphire. I believe the lime additive is an antidote for the hangover. The thing with clear liquors is...well there are a lot of things. Let's leave it at that. That brown liquor is evil.
The picture up top is evidence of a local boy in the throws of excess, pun intended. This poor fella fell to the peer pressures of guides after consuming mass quantities of the clear. He had unwisely and ignorantly thrown out the possibility that he could inhale a full #10 can of Nacho Cheese while standing in bad company/synonym guides. The good Queso...all 6# 11 oz. of it, save for a smattering left on the bottom. He managed to put it down with a large soup spoon in under an hour. I was not privy or present to these behaviors, but the photo did find its way to this computer...so I had to use it. It would be sacrilege to pass up the opportunity. That is excess.
Excess is a way of life. By no means do I advocate banging heroin or baitfishing, well I do advocate the latter, but not the former. But excess allows one to be totally consumed by activity of choice, and picking a healthy pursuit will breed happiness. So is excess equal happiness. You tell me. Money does not buy happiness, but fishing 150+ a year could start you down that path. Try 300 and see what that does for your soul. Seeing clients get absolutely thrilled at hooking a gorgeous Brown with a sz. 20 dry allows both parties involved a moment of bliss. Excess and bliss...now there is a nice partnership.
So when you are in town next and see the HH gang discussing better ways to catch fish, improved fly patterns, teaching techniques, the idiosyncrasies of the dead drift, casting left-handed with the Micro Practice Rod, or the new Echo Gecko improving our double haul or reach cast, or our favorite post fishing game...Wiffle Ball in the Concrete Jungle of Metropolitan Craig Montana...you too will understand that behaviors in moderation do not belong in my life, nor any of the stellar HH staff. Only behaviors in excess...
Capt Carp Dead Song of the Day: Black Peter
Circuskirpatricka Fly of the Day: CDC Caddis...without question
Bad Idea of the Week: Chugging 2 bottles of 5 hour ENERGY. It contains 8333% of your daily B12 and 2000% of your B6...what a buzz.
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