This connotation does not in any way relate to inappropriate sexual behaviors but instead to the willingness of career guides to perform maneuvers in the safe confines of the boat allowing our guests to hook as many fish as humanly possible...and sometimes against their will. Putting fishermen into successful situations is what we do best and are always striving to achieve the most positive outcomes.
SOL lost this oar while landing a fish, crashed into the bank like a your sister on the sticks completely oblivious to my where abouts with total disregard for my vessels proprioception...having lost my own bio-mechanical awareness many years ago...the bow careened into the bank levering the ass end and the anchor off the soft shoal and into mild pandemonium. Landed it, stuck it, no broken rods... just another cookie cutter Brown of 18 and change.
Shameful walk, stumble, & slip upstream to retrieve overpriced counter-balanced Sawyers.
Just another daily example of how I am not getting any smarter...I am hopefully getting wiser.
Another day with my clients drawing the short straw. My boat is short too. You think about that one.
Superguide witnessed yet another daily melee transpire and become reality. He never tires of hysterical laughter on my behalf.
LG would say, "Standard, pretty standard." My friends, get on the Montucky Lanyard if you want to keep up with the cool cats. If you don't know what I am referring to, do some research and get on board. Minor plug for 406 Productions
The fishing is white hot and I am here to tell you...if you want to catch every fish you see, make the first cast count. If you want to catch every odd fish, go to another river. Funny inside joke with myself.
Bad Guide Statement of the Day: "Dude, if you want to fish this bank, (after said guide cut off another guide,) just drop our anchor and wait 5 minutes. It's cool Bra'."
Missouri River Statement of Fact and Truth: We don't have to lie about the size of our fish
SOL's Catch Phrase of the Month: Encourage the Drift
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