Yes, I know it is a valid question. I try to answer this crystal ball equation every time. It usually proceeds like this..."No, I do not know. It's a connundrum.
I have been here on the Mo for some time, and I do remember the big water years and do remember what happened after them...but am I familiar enough with Mother Nature...and am aware of the multiple factions involved with the water management decisions, including FWP, BLM, B of Rec, commercial interests well down stream of us, flow pulses for spawning Pallid Sturgeon, etc, etc, etc.
Been to water meetings, constantly talk to folks in the know who have been here for much longer than myself, stare at the river most everyday, try to follow historical weather patterns, read the Farmer's Almanac, and practice Chinese meditation while doing naked Yoga-Pilate's summoning the Water Gods to channel even just a small bit of wisdom to my guide size brain
...and I still have NO IDEA what the water will do at any given time. You like Apples? Well how do...
Tell you what...Call Oboma on the Red Phone...ask him!
Bottom Line...NOBODY KNOWS...except for the Water Management Ouiji Board Operators and Mother Nature, and even they are learning daily.
Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service will be hosting our 2nd Annual 4th of July Party with Kick-Ass Activities all day long.
Free BBQ @ Noon until Dusk
Wiffle Ball, Badminton, Horseshoes, Micro-Practice Rod instruction, All day long. We provide the free fun portion.
Echo Gecko Kids Rod Casting Competition: Off handed, meaning casting with your non-traditional hand. Just distance. 3 casts per contestant. Admission Free. Come try your hand at the best kids rod ever made. Maybe the first kids rod ever made. Ends @ 8pm. Winner gets the Echo Gecko, dead last competitor gets a Micro Practice Rod.
Smallest Bikini Contest & Most Patriotic Costume: Airflo Fly Line for the Winners
Donations for the Craig Fire Department Accepted
Firework's @ Dusk
Izaak's Open 6am til ?
Pig Roast @ 4pm for Donations for Craig FD
Live Music @ 7pm on Izaak's Porch: Max Hay performs Folksy Rock Jams
Keg on the porch too, $1 Drafts of America's Finest Beeron it's finest day...Budweiser
Fireworks @ Dusk
Joe's Bar: Open 8am til 2am...see Michelle for your perfectly mixed cocktail or ice cold fancy Micro-Beer. Tip her well, she works her ass off, and she's nice.
You must attend the Buggest Bash 4th Extravaganza, pun intended, in the Tri-County Area...you won't be let down...Our fishing here is said to be pretty good too!
Call Headhunters for a 4th of July Update and to bug our top notch shop staff with questions about the flows and when we anticipate them to be historically normal. Those who are normal do not have a place in flyfishing.