Friday, May 29, 2009

Everybody's Working for the Weekend!

If you remember this catchy tune, then you should certainly take an afternoon break...right now...gather your cubicle mates and sneak out to the hall and shotgun a ice cold beer. That's the best way to start your weekend of either fishing or dreaming about fishing. Loverboy, bad boys out of Canada, knew how to rock and roll. They have probably forgotten but we can carry the torch for these outdated 80's rockers. The album name, do they still call them albums?... could also be construed as weekend foreshadowing. I hope you all get lucky in one fashion or another...your choice.

Pop in the cassette tape, get on your red leather pants...even if you have to lay on the floor and have your wife tug, pull, stretch them on...they still look good...tease your hair, and get after it.

One more thing about Yeti Coolers...we just received a new batch of them this morning. They are selling like hotcakes, or kick ass coolers, and we have a baker's dozen more as of today. They are so hot that if you read your local newspaper in the last few days you may have seen this AP article stating the Bear Proofness and ice keeping capacity.

Thanks so much for participating in our Blog experiment...all courtesy of Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service...Kicking Ass in Craig MT for just over a year now.

Capt. Carp Dead Song of the Day: Bertha

Fly of the Day: Translucent Emerger

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