On the right is yet another fish taken on a Hickman's Skiddish Smolt. Circus-Kirpatricka and Jerry from Columbia Falls, both former guides here on the MO, were here last weekend and fished hard. Mostly streamer chuckin' with some boobber time mixed in...they had success both ways. Those guys will throw the big bug all day...and force some results. Guaranteed these are not poetry writers, or readers! Hard fishing and hard drinking fellas from the north.
When the fly flicking gets tough, you just have to put on your big boy pants, go out packin' heat, and knuckle down. As Tom Hanks said in League of their Own, there is no crying in baseball...same deal in fishing...no freakin crying, sobbing, pouting is certainly the worst! It's the deep breathing sighing and pouting that some fellas do when, god forbid they have not hooked a fish in 8 minutes. If this describes you, I suggest not fishing this week. The fisherman that are currently around do not possess a soft bone in their body. Just get in the boat, shut up, and cast. Cast again, cast again, then cast again.
No more Mr. Nice Guy, Ms. Nice Girl, none of that shit...it does not promote fish catching behaviors.
Quirky Fisherman Behavior of the Day:Not taking the plastic off of the cork from your new fly rod??!! Speaks truth about certain bizarre tendencies.
Capt. Carp's Fav. Dead Song of the Day: Space Jam from Red Rocks 7/7/77
hard fisherman yes, but heavy drinkers? Jerry did you get bed sores this last weekend?
Heavy drinker? Must not be the Kirkpatrick I know from Havre !!
Quirky Fisherman Behavior of the Day Part II:
Right-handed casters set up for right-hand retrieve.
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