The rogue guides and outfitters is another situation all together. For those of you who do not know what I am speaking about...illegal and uninsured guides are the bane of or business. DO NOT TRUST OR ASSOCIATE WITH THIS CREATURE!! It is highly illegal and those who perform services without licenses, insurance, or any regard to your safety. These individuals are not welcome and should be hung. If you ever see this behavior from a so called guide, phone 1-800-TIP-MONT immediately. It is very difficult to catch and prosecute said guide, but I will not stop trying to help in wiping these fellas off of the face of the earth. Always check for Montana Board of Outfitters licensing information, liability insurance, and Independant Contractor status. It really angers me that these fellas are out there and acting as guides and outfitters. It is your duty to make sure you are fishing with a licensed outfit. Buyer beware!
Tar and feather them! Feral Cats and Rogue Guides must be removed at all costs!
Squeeky wins the Baetis Pool. $25 richer...BWO's at the Craig boat ramp today @ 2:45 MST
Quirky fisherman behavior of the day: Pushups on the center line in downtown Craig. Wow? Have never seen this previously, and now two in two weeks.
Capt. Carps Dead song of the day: Eyes of the World
I must admit that I hate when pimps get on their soapboxes and preach to the choir. I have always thought that having to go through an outfitter (Pimp) is wrong for the guides (prostitutes). The whole outfitter guide relationship is like organized crime!
Don’t tell me that each and every one of you has never been compensated for unofficial guided trips. Seeing as you want to be legal with the state I’m sure that you claim your suggested tips from your clients with the IRS?
So put your pimp hand away and carry your soapbox over to the guys at the pretty shop up the street.
I was just finishing licking the milk off my whiskers from my bowl of fruit loops when I read nightdrifters comment to the feral cat blog.
I hestitated even responding to the blog itself but now that "nightgowner" is talkin smack about pimpz and whoze I couldn't resist.
Webster's definition of a (nightgowner) as a person that lower in social rank than (A PIMP OR A PROSTITUTE.)Bottom line a "slut".
Now that we have that cleared up how this comunity college genius ever posted smack of this caliber without being hooked on phonics is beyond me. I do think this clown may of made the mistake of bringing a knife to a gun fight.
Surprisingly enough however he makes a point with a bit of humor.
Having spent some time on both sides of the this game it is noted that the law is the law but also the morals and ethics of a all proffesionals must not ever be compromised.
Make no mistake boys make dam sure all skeletons must be locked away in the closest before we cast the stone. ( Thats a tip you do't have to report) LOL
I don't see it nessary to argue with anybody that thinks some feral cats are licking the cream from the kitty dish.
In 30 plus years of fishing and hunting I have never even got a wink and a nod from a so called rogue guide wanting to whisper his swwweeeeet services in my ear.
Maybe it's cause I look like some undercover fish cop or my gear and clothes are so old and worn that he see's no reason to rape the homeless.
So I personally see no real reason to worry about the allien feral cats eating out of your fancy feast cans.
But if you boys know of a good lookin guide with a nice set of jugs and a sweaty bald beaver give me the heads up because licenced or not prostitute or slut it makes no difference she only has to handle the rod like she owns it!
Sorry for the delay to responding to your post/ wordy response.- just got off the Smith.
Yonkers– Montana Pronunciation: “Yanker”
Definition:” Dude that has been taken advantage of by so many outfitters that his asshole is numb. Typically his asshole doesn’t bleed anymore as his mom has been applying bandages and ointment after the long days on the river, paying his outfitter, when he wasn’t paying his mom rent”
So you are telling me that the average guide is happy paying an outfitter a healthy percentage for their services? Save the eloquent words from your Helena High School GED, wipe the milk from your short whiskers, look in the mirror, and keep telling yourself that your pro outfitter smack is right.
Now now Nightgowner that is a very ugly comment.
I do detest uglyness.
I must have touched a nerve.
I must apologize does this mean we arent friends.
Your comment about my butt was a bit brash even for a outfitter site, but not surprising comming from a rocket surgeon like yourself.
I hope you get help for your outfitter envy it is obviuosly leading to your reckless scribbling of smack.
My hypocrosy only goes so far but my better judgement is not over cloaded as yours obviously is.
I must admit you are a fiesty little "sucker" that took the cheeze hook so hard it's hanging out your ass.lol
I will take a walk on the wild side and play you a bit if thats your fancy but lets watch the naughty words nightgowner, just cause you were raised on the wrong side of the tracks doesn't mean that some day you can't be a real pimple on some stink baiters butt.
I hope you have enough line in the water to get my drift but if you come up a little short I can help you find your crayons.
I do like to leave on a positive note though, you said you got off the smith is that the river or the crack youve been smoking?
Tell your mom hi for me.
The rope burns on her ankles really are from my anchor rope.
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