Old School: You always know where your fishing vest is and wear it frequently while fishing.
New School: Hemo's, fingernail clippers ($0.69 kind), 2 C & F Designs boxes overstuffed.
Old School: In bed @ 9pm, up @ 5am. Fishing @ daybreak.
New School: In bed @ 4:30am, fishing @ the crack on noon.
Old School: 1 Martini, maybe 2 if the fishing was good.
New School: 1 bottle of Martini's, maybe 2 if the fishing was shitty.
Old School: Fly box full of Quill Gordons and Mickey Finns
New School: Fly box full of CDC Cripples and Sculpzilla's
Old School: Still fishing with your Sage RPL. "This rod is as good as any new fangled rod."
Old School: Donated $500 to Trout Unlimited this year.
New School: Donated 42 hours of volunteer work with Trout Unlimited this year.
Old School: Fishes a WF line. Only DT left is still on Pfleuger Medalist.
New School: Fishes a DT line. Only WF is on hopper rod. Also on Pflueger Medalist.
Note: The Rio Gold is a line that both schools can agree on...shameless kick-ass product plug.
Old School: Buys a new high end reel every year. And an extra spool.
New School: Buys a new high end reel every year. "Another spool? New School just buys another entire reel.
Old School: Retrieves line on the right side of the reel.
New School: Retrieves line on the left side of the reel.
Old School: Your wife cannot believe how much time and money is invested in fly fishing.
New School: Cannot remember last girlfriend's name, but she hated that stupid sport too!
Old School: Can name 10 legends of fly fishing that New School has never heard of.
New School: Can name 10 yet to be legends...incidentally he may be one.
Old School: Respects the history of the sport. Recognizes the importance of casting upstream at rising fish.
New School: Recognizes the history of the sport. Respects casting upstream, but would rather cast down and across at rising fish.
Old School: Knows what the fish are eating & matches the hatch. Sz 22 Psuedo Emerger.
New School: Knows what they are eating & and tosses anything over sized and gaudy. Sz 12 Cinnamon Ant
Old School: Chats about fishing while drinking a well aged Scotch neat.
New School: Chats about potential girlfriends drinking PBR on tap.
Old School: Practices casting on guide trip in between spots.
New School: Takes casting lessons and practices in back yard.
Old School: Fantasizes about giant trout daily.
New School: Fantasizes about giant trout daily.
Old School: Fishes with guides for their experience, fever for trout, and their work ethic.
New School: Fishes with guides because they are in similar income brackets and can swap generational failure stories.
Old School: Pays with Credit Card to accrue Airline Miles.
New School: Pays with Credit Card because he has no cash.
Old School: Has dogs at home for hunting purposes.
New School: Has dogs with him/her because whatever pheromones puppies/dogs emit attract women like no other abject known to man. Dogs really are man's best friend.
Old School: Have a plethora of terrible off color jokes and are not afraid to tell them.
New School: Wish they were as wise as the Old School and really wish they knew as many off color jokes!
After taking the quiz, how do you score? If you are either 50% on either side...that is definitive. Are you in the middle? Are you where you want to be?
If you want to be on the other side, you can certainly book a trip with any counselors/coaches/guides @ Headhunters Fly Shop & Guide Service. The best in the business, damn straight!
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