You got time? I got time.
Blanket hatch of Psuedo's.
A couple, meaning 2, Tricaudatus sightings.
Lt. Dan says, "Bald Kitty Rules!"
Dan, who comes several times a year, also says, "If you are not here, you must have a real job."
He is a pilot for some failing airline, used to work for Uncle Stupid, and claims he can fish. The jury is still out. I will say that Lt. Dan fishes more than you, major destinations every month...sometimes twice...and is not afraid of a pretentious little bitch of a saltwater flat with the wind blowing hard across his right shoulder. He actually catches a few of them.
Above; Lt. Dan enjoying yet another sip of Red Breast @ Headhunters Fly Shop
Having said that, let me remind you of the previous short, unimportant paragraph. " If you are not here, you must have some sort of job that does not allow you to fish 100 days a year. I am blessed and fortunate to have such a position. Not everybody can be me."
Remember, SOL did not say that. It is merely a quote that mirrors Dan's salty, crude, infectious demeanor.
Enough of that yahoo Dan. It is happening here on the Missouri. We are about ready to break on through to the other side.
We would be happy to see you and share stories about big trouts brother.
Capt. Carp's Dead Song of the Day: U. S. Blues
Dry Fly of the Week: Brook's Sprout, Baetis sz 16, Trad. Royal Wulff sz 16, or anything
Nymph of the Week: Mercury RS-2 Baetis
Streamer of the Day: Anything small and black...remind you of anyone mentioned in previous blogs? Product of the Week: Hand Warmers
Drink of the Week: Hot Toddy, not sure if I spelled that correctly.
Theme of the Month: Wait til' noon, then go hammer 'em.
As serious as SOL can be: Please come, you will not regret it. In the space of time, it is such an insignificant amount of time...a speck of sand.
If not this fall, certainly next.
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