A distant reminder that those of you who read this blog need to date gals that can make this a reality.
If not...it's cool.
Mount Vernon gang Lisser/Fischer and Stephanie Lisser created an ultimate Mo River Experience...and this is the outcome...
Congrats Steph...your 1st Brown Trout...Outstanding!
Fly Poling on the Missouri is as good as it gets...chew on that for a while...when you come to after swirling around in dream world... book your trip now to one of the best fisheries in the lower 48.
Steph was using her PINK ROD by Sage and her PINK REEL by Ross...and this is the end result...listening to her guide was a terrific idea too...always listen to your guide...he is your team captain...yes, it's true...
Capt. Carp: is watching the day go by...a newer calmer Mikey!
Crazy Shit on the River: Lots of fella's doing weird shit...look up and smell the coffee, wake up fella's and open your eyes...there are other people fishing the river...would you like it if I came in on you like you came in on me? Think about it brother...
Big River and the fish are eating like bandit's...as Nicholson would do a movie...as good as it get's...
New Breed Chicks Rule!
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