Sunday, July 26, 2009

20 Q with FFC and SOL

Fly Fish Chick and Squeeky Oar Lock bellied up @ Joe's Bar and answered 20+ questions about fly fishing and life. We both agreed upon several things first. No Jam Bands, yuck...No "poor me" fishing discussions by snively bitches...No "Trout Warrior" stories like this... "There was this big brown sipping on the shore, 1 centimeter off, and I had to make the perfect, precise cast, with a sz. 24 hatching, one wing missing, semi-crippled, CDC, Biot get the jist.

Fly Fish Chick and Squeaky Oar Lock changing flies, catching fish, and discussing life on the Missouri River.
  1. Fishing or Sex?
    FFC: Sex.
    SOL: Sex.
  2. Favorite Fly?
    FFC: Purple Haze
    SOL: Buzz Ball
  3. Favorite cocktail?
    FFC: Mount Gay & Tonic
    SOL: Bombay Sapphire & Tonic
  4. Best Karaoke Song?
    FFC: I Will Survive...Gloria Gaynor
    SOL: Rocky Mountain High...John Denver
  5. Texas or Montana?
    FFC: Pass, abstain
    SOL: Montana
  6. Fresh Water or Salt Water?
    FFC: Fresh, but getting saltier every day
    SOL: Fresh, with a grain of salt
  7. Best Trout Stream in the World?
    FFC: Missouri
    SOL: Missouri
  8. If you could be anybody, who would you be?
    FFC: Me, less 15 lbs.
    SOL: Me, with more money
  9. Best Song on Joe's Juke Box?
    FFC: #6508, Buck Owens Down on the Corner of Love
    SOL: #7412, Atlanta Rhythm Section So Into You
  10. Favorite Rod?
    FFC: Scott G2 9' 5 wt....2nd fav Winston IM6 Joan Wulff Favorite 8 1/2 5 wt.
    SOL: Winston IM6 8 1/2' 5 wt....2nd fav Scott original G 9' 5wt
    Ed. Note...spooky how similar...soggy rod fans!
  11. Last Supper?
    FFC: Veal Stuffed Tortellini with cream sauce w/ an Italian Red Wine, in Italy
    SOL: Filet Medium w/ Green Peppercorn cream sauce, side of penne alfredo
  12. Fishing Mentor?
    FFC: Mitch Kowalski aka "Super Guide"
    SOL: Larry Tarmelli
  13. Why do you Blog?
    FFC: Because I'm an aspiring writer
    SOL: To listen to myself think
  14. Why do you fish?
    FFC: I cannot, not fish
    SOL: To realize humility
  15. How do you perpetuate/promote fly fishing?
    FFC: Blog and take L'il Chick fishing
    SOL: Create successful environs for "first timers" and educate all who will listen
  16. Fishing Wish?
    FFC: Salt water fishing with the Professor
    SOL: Catch lots of Bones
  17. WF or DT?
    FFC: WF
    SOL: DT
  18. Is nymphing cheating?
    FFC: No, but it's pretty slutty
    SOL: No, but I'm slutty
  19. Eat in the bar or the dining room?
    FFC: Dining room
    SOL: Dining room
  20. Have you been laid in the Craig Campground?
    FFC: No
    SOL: Yes
  21. Skinny Dipper?
    FFC: Yes
    SOL: Yes
  22. Could you live in Craig MT?
    FFC: No, Wolf Creek
    SOL: No, sub-urban Craig
  23. Ball Cap or Visor?
    FFC: Visor
    SOL: Visor

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are SUCH a Gemini. And, I mean that in the nicest possible way SOL.