Tuesday, February 24, 2009

40 Days and Counting

With winter coming to an end, its hard for me to concentrate. Forty days or so before its time to leave for Craig, MT, one of the greatest places on earth. My flies are organized (at least I'm done looking at them , they'll never be organized), my fly lines are clean, my floatants have been condensed; I'm ready to fish. With nothing much left to do but wait, I find myself daydreaming of all there is too do in Craig during the spring time. With all the endless possibilities, it's real tough figuring out what to do first, but I'm sure I'll manage.
I can't freakin' wait to see everybody! John and Julie, John and Melanie, Mark, Mike, Jessy, Stacy, Michelle, Luke, Dave, and everyone......Its gonna be great to be back. I can't wait for the baetis, and tons of rising fish. I can't wait for the first day nymphing when we absolutely wreck em'. I can't wait to chuck streamers at those long, thin, aggressive spring browns. I can't wait to float the Dearborn, and blow out my arm by making 5,000 casts with weighted streamers and sink tips in my six hours of fishing. I can't wait to go bushwackin' on the third Monday of May. I can't wait to wear sandals to work. I can't wait to drink with the best of them. I can't wait for the guest appearences of charecters like Tony V. and L.G.; true good ol' boys and true professionals. I can't wait to learn so much more about flyfishing, on one of the greatest classrooms in the world, with the best teachers. I can't wait to hang with all the fun clients that come and go.
Of all the places to live, work, and fish, Craig, Montana is one of the best. Insanely good fishing and amazing people in a town small enough to hit a golf ball across. For all of you who have never been to Craig, you need to make the trip. For those who come year after year, see you soon enough.

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